Simplicty and flexibility!


Visitors: 15,686,693

Radioboxes - how to filter on them and clear them

Download Sample

You can of course add a choice (default maybe) that is None or something like...

Written by DataEase 01/02/21 at 11:08:34 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

DE9 - A quick preview of the NEW interactive DQL editor.

Just a quick preview to show you all that we are not just relaxing here at DataEase

As you can see it is just a simple test done in the "horrible" Club ParaDEASE. Enjoy

Written by DataEase 18/11/20 at 21:06:06 - 4 people have commented. The newsest comment is 1,119 days old. DataEase 9 Developer

How to edit RDRR file to connect lost files.

All of you will at some stage get the problem when you change a form/table that it crash and the file is "lost". 

it is never lost.

The data is still there in a Temp Form XXX table. The problem is that the change crashed in the mi...

Written by DataEase 10/09/20 at 13:33:54 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

"System error: Relationship limit 255 exceeded. " - Understanding Relationships in DataEase

In regular intervals we get support request in regards to this message and what you can do to increase the limit to OPEN relationships in DataEase.

If you are "lucky" you get this problem wi...

Written by DataEase 03/09/20 at 10:53:34 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

DE85- 100% control of the USER!

Download Sample

We got a request on the form about how to use Modal and switch between f...

Written by DataEase 19/08/20 at 14:32:40 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

100% DataEase

LegEasy4DOS Professional is a "pioneer" that showcase the future of DataEase.

No! The future is not retro, and the bit about it that is pioneering is not the fact that you can fun DataEase for DOS applications.

That feature is basically just how it should always have been and a catch-up with our history.

Take a closer look - The entire product is made IN DataEase following up on a "slogan" we had when we sat out to refurbish DataEase.

DataEase need to be made in DataEase!

LegEasy4DOS - How it works?

The interest in LegEasy4DOS has been "overwhelming" since we released it at the end of last week.

A lot of eagerly awaiting Professional clients jumped at it and the feedback was not late to come.

Most of you are overjoyed and excited by this opportunity to run DataEase for DOS in a modern environment, and more than happy to scrap your old XP computers and Novell servers that has kept you up at night with worry - when will it draw its last breath and what will I do then?

However not all feedback is good and some of you have been "disappointed" too.

Some of this disappointment is down to us having problem with our server park after the release due to an unexpected heavy load - don't they always say that - but some of you have been running bench mark tests and compared it to "Native" DfD on Native XP, WIndows 7 x32 etc. and the results has baffled you.

Why is it sometimes much slower and then sometimes much faster than the comparison?

In the article below we will try to explain this and how LegEasy4DOS is designed and how it works.

LegEasy4DOS Professional Release 05.08.16

The response to our Personal version of L4D has been fantastic and it has given us great motivation in the work leading up to the release of our long awaited Professional version of L4D.

We won't spend too much time extrapolating its virtues here but limit ourselves to announcing it's release and showcase its beauty ;-)

Further down the article you will find the FREE FOR ALL Trial Key you can use to get the first "spin" in this brand new interpretation of DataEase (for DOS).

New Support Manager and new Support Products introduced

For a long time we have been focusing on improving our software products, but we have now entered a new phase where we will focus more and more on the entire customer experience.

One issue that has been raised more often than others is the lack of a dedicated support service so this is one of the areas were we will now focus.

Last month we hired Fatma Adel as our new Support Manager. She has now had some time to settle in and are more than eager to start helping you resolve your issues.

LegEasy 4DOS - Update!

We are and should be very happy when an upcoming release of a DataEase product cause this much of a stir, but it is also a sobering moment.

We obviously still have some catching up to do with our new products before they reach the same popularity as the early versions of DataEase.

Luckily the "re-launch" of DataEase for DOS is part of our DataEase infrastructure strategy so you will now be able to run your legacy apps well into this century when at the same time integrate them with the latest DataEase technology.

Locking Strategies for dummies!

Ever wondered why you have so much trouble with inconsistency and being locked out of your DataEase database? If the answer is YES, read one and discover how you can easily remedy it.

Full, Basic, Opportunistic - What does this really mean? We get a lot of questions about which locking to choose in DataEase, and the answers we have give - are giving, have changed over the years. I guess that if this was a simple as it "should be", there wouldn't even be three options in DataEase, and we wouldn't leave this is in your hands.

I have spent quite a lot of times over the years debating and exploring this myself, and the problem is that it is more of a philosophical problem, than a technical one. Pictures this as going into a Chinese restaurant and ordering. You get a many with 500 items, and you are vaguely familiar with 3 of them, so what do you do. Choose what you know, or go for the set menu...

[{8}]five Release and Release program.


DataEase {[8}]five went into production today and from now on it will be all about 8.5 and beyond.

We have now concluded the longest Beta program in DataEase history - 427 days or over 1 year and 2 months.

So why so little fanfare on this watershed day?

Warning! Price increase on DataEase 8 from January 1st

We are changing how we license DataEase from Januar 1st 2016.

In short we will stop dividing licenses (and executables) in Developer (Full) and GROUP (Runtime) and introduce a simple User License and one executable that will be either a development environment or a Application Launcher based on the users privileges.

The change might seem dramatic at first, but you will get much more functionality and flexibility.

This is just an early warning to those of you that plan to buy DataEase 8 in the near future, more information on the change in product and licensing strategy will follow.

Dynamic Design - A New paradigm in DataEase development

ExecDQLClass(), CreateTable(), AddColumn()* signify a complete breach with previous DataEase thinking.

From its infancy in the early 80ies and throughout its life until DE8 there was a clear divide in DataEase between Design and Runtime. (At least in the head of the designers, but the fact that most people used it interactively and added and changed to it in real time was not taken into account)

Tables, Scripts, Forms, Reports was froozen in runtime and there was few if any way you could make your application dynamic.

How this has changed in 8....

How to create CDFs for use in DE8/DG3

This is how you create your own CDFs using Visual Studio 2013. I selected to use this version because any one can get a full version for free as long as you register with MicroSoft. You should be able to recreate this in any version of Visual Studio in almost the same way as described here. Not much has changed in creating Windows DLLs in the last 20 years. You probably can do the same using other compilers as MinWin GCC and Embarcadero, but that is outside the scope of this document.

Migrating from DFW 5.x and 6.x to DE8.5 including National Versions

If you want to encompass DataEase problems in one word it must be Migration. It is fascinating that a company that has had so little success with this concept, has sworn to it for such a long time.

It is a badly hidden secret that DataEase lost most of it users in the flawed and bodged migration of DFD application to early DFW, what is maybe not so well know is all the other "unsuccessful" migration events.

In this article we will explain what/why and how it went wrong and what you can do to work around it.

We reached our 1.000.000 visitor today 23rd of February 2015

At the beginning of the year we had estimated that we would get our 1.000.000 visitor at the 6th June this year, but with the Beta of 8.5 and the great feedback we have seen both visits on our website and sales sky-rocket and we reached the 1.000.000 threshold more than a Quarter ahead of schedule!

We just have to thank you all for your patience with us, and for your contributions and support throughout the last couple of years since we took charge.

We both hope and feel that our efforts and enthusiasm for DataEase has been well received and are reciprocated by you all!

A wholehearted thank you to your all from "The DataEase Team".

NEW! Functions in DataEase 8.0 to 8.5 (Page 1)

Some of you might be aware of it but it seems a lot isn't so it might be time to advertise a little the vast number of new functions and functionalities that has been added to DataEase 8.0 through 8.5.

For a long time the only way new functions found their way to DataEase was through active and ingenious users which developed CDF's. As much as the CDF's alleviated the obvious short-comings in DataEase 5.x to 7.2 it was cumbersome, undocumented and "secretive" i.e. not everyone was in the know.

With 8.x we decided that the focus needed to be on moving DataEase forward, rather than the constant dance around the "bug fixing" fire.

Have a look and a try for yourself.

Due to the number of new functions we had to publish the short description in two articles, of which this is the last.

Also have a look on the blog synopsis found in the list to the right.

NEW! ?Functions in DataEase 8.0 to 8.5 (Page 2)

Some of you might be aware of it but it seems a lot isn't so it might be time to advertise a little the vast number of new functions and functionalities that has been added to DataEase 8.0 through 8.5.

For a long time the only way new functions found their way to DataEase was through active and ingenious users which developed CDF's. As much as the CDF's alleviated the obvious short-comings in DataEase 5.x to 7.2 it was cumbersome, undocumented and "secretive" i.e. not everyone was in the know.

With 8.x we decided that the focus needed to be on moving DataEase forward, rather than the constant dance around the "bug fixing" fire.

Have a look and a try for yourself.

Due to the number of new functions we had to publish the short description in two articles, of which this is the first.

Also have a look on the blog synopsis found in the list to the right.

Start your own thread!

27/04/24 18:21:16

Re:Re:Re:DE9 still on the way?

October 1989

A microcomputer-based, net-lending interlibrary loan system.


A microcomputer-based, net-lending interlibrary loan system was developed at Lane Medical Library, Stanford University. The system, designed to generate the monthly billing invoices and all necessary statistical reports, has reduced the time required for logging-in procedures and compilation of monthly, quarterly, and annual statistics. User menus, help screens, and choice fields were developed explicitly for library staff who have little or no computer experience. The program was written using the DataEase database management software running on IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible with a minimum of 512K RAM. Described are features of this automated interlibrary loan management system and its use in a net-lending interlibrary loan department. It focuses on data entry in the "Library Directory" and "ILL Log Sheet," details of billing invoices, and statistical reports, and flexibility in modifying tax rates, borrowing fees, and other parameters.

Product: Dataease 9 Developer

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

26/04/24 21:08:17

Re:Re:Re:Latest version of DE that can be purchased and still supported?

LE9 is on the website and have been for some time.


Product: LegEasy 9 Developer

Written by: DataEase

26/04/24 19:43:49

Re:Re:DE9 still on the way?

It's 2024 now!!!!!!!!


Product: Not product specific.

Written by: Roar Andersen

26/04/24 19:41:12

Re:Re:Latest version of DE that can be purchased and still supported?

We will put it on the website shortly.

What does "shorly" means in time?


Product: DataEase 9 Developer

Written by: Roar Andersen

16/04/24 07:31:23

Re:Re:urgent need for a new version of DataEase

Hi all. Sorry for delay with reply. 

1. IE "feature" seems to be bug. yup, this is Microsoft but ... solve this point please ASAP. thx

2. Integration with browser related AI tools. related to 1.

Thx for L9 new relaease. It is great!


Product: Dataease 9 Developer

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

15/04/24 11:46:10

Re:urgent need for a new version of DataEase

Hi Ihor.

What is it you expect DE9 to solve that you can't solve already with LE9?


Product: Dataease 9 Developer

Written by: DataEase

14/04/24 18:51:50

urgent need for a new version of DataEase

sorry for  asking once again but we new soft to forecast attacks on our power plants... awful strike was in 7 kms from me on April,11th


Product: Dataease 9 Developer

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

05/04/24 09:21:30

Re:Re:Re:PDF print

As far  as I remember, DataEase 6.5 did not have the possibility to set printers.

You can set the Cute PDF as your default printer. 


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Josef Vella

05/04/24 09:17:54

Re:Re:Re:PDF print

There is no default for a DataEase 6.5 application. It depends on what is set up as default in Windows and what is set up as output media in 6.5.
So the way it works is that if you have Printer set here and CutePDF set as default printer in WIndows and choose print without displaying Dialog you will print directly to CutePDF for all documents that has Printer set here.

You will still get the CutePDF dialog where you have to choose what filename you want etc.

Strictly speaking 6.5 is a very old and primitive version of DFW and if you are going to produce PDF's emails from DataEase you should look at LE9.

LE9 is an "itteration" of the latest version of DataEase DE9 (Released before DE9 as the need for Legacy users have priority).

LE9 is a bigger development project alone than all previous versions of DFW put together but a lot of it is "Under the bonnet" as running of Legacy applications in a modern environment with a minimum of problems is again the priority.

You can see that the Print Options dialog has changed slightly. For instance you have gotten PDF as a native feature together with Export etc.

You can also fit the print to any paper size for more easily getting documents that look right on one page.

Industrial document product is quite "awkward" in 6.5, 7 and even 8 but in LE9/DE9 this has changed.

We have now added output override features to DocumentOpen() and added DocumentRun() for running documents in chains.*DocumentOpen**DocumentRun*

9.0 Onwards DocumentOpen with extra parameters added. At the moment it supports: DocumentOpen("DocName","window"), DocumentOpen("DocName","nooutput") (only without list records when using data-entry in this commit), DocumentOpen("DocName","export","filename") (only without data-entry in this commit), DocumentOpen("DocName","printer","printer 1..4 or the actual name or nothing for default printer") and DocumentOpen("DocName","pdf","filename").

DocumentOpen(name,"PDF", file). DocumentOpen(name, "preview") added. DocumentOpen(name, "printer", printername) now printer name can be "Application printer 1-4" or the name of the printer. Blank is default printer.

DE: added DocumentOpen("DQLName", "EMail", "pdfname.pdf", "EmailTo", "Subject" , "Body") will generate a pdf from the dql en send it using the emailsettings in ini file.


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: DataEase

04/04/24 22:11:22

Re:Re:PDF print

Ok, I`ve downloaded CutePDF, and I read the insctructions, looks easy,  but I still don't know how to set up CutePDF as default for the Dataease Application, if you can explain that to me I`d really apreciate it.
Thank you!


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Yoana Murcia

04/04/24 16:05:33

Re:PDF print

Hi Youanna,

I have found that the CutePDF software works well in capturing output to a PDF file and I have used it with V6.5X variants.


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Peter Birney, PB Associates

04/04/24 15:15:25

PDF print

Hi everyone!
I need to find a way to print or save a document in PDF when I need to print, cause my dataease is just automatic fisically printing the documents, but I dond have any chance to save the document in a digital version unless I spend time scanning the document, my version of dataease is 6.52.

Thanks for your help!


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Yoana Murcia

25/03/24 13:55:06

Re:Re:Re:Is it safe to move DataEase 8.5 databases to DataEase 9?

btw, 40 years ago DataEase had worldwide usage for governments, hospitals and ...don't be surprised, in NASA


Product: Services

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

25/03/24 13:55:06

Re:Re:Re:Is it safe to move DataEase 8.5 databases to DataEase 9?

btw, 40 yars ago DataEase had worldwide usage for governments, hospitals and ...don't be surprised, in NASA


Product: Services

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

25/03/24 13:27:52

Re:Re:Is it safe to move DataEase 8.5 databases to DataEase 9?

May be DE9 new features will help us to predict missile attacks on Ukraine by using solar activity data. 

Example of the data mentioned  best use, it is a pity, but DE was not used... :

Best Use of Data Award: Storm Prophet

2023 NASA International Space Apps Challenge

Best Use of Data Award: Storm Prophet

Challenge: Develop the Oracle of DSCOVR

Country/Territory: Ukraine

Team "Storm Prophet" created a data model to accurately predict geomagnetic storm levels using data analysis and LSTM models.



Product: DataEase 9 Developer

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

25/03/24 10:19:31

Re:Is it safe to move DataEase 8.5 databases to DataEase 9?

LE9/DE9 is one of the biggest updates ever in DataEase history.

Its split in two simply due to the difficulty of sustaining backwards compatibility when the history is 40 years, so the focus in LE9 is to support existing Legacy applications when the goal in DE9 is to move away from the legacy approach.

You can download LE9 from here to have a test:
There is an application included that showcase some of the news in LE9.
We will publish an exhaustive list and examples on how to use the new features when we fully release the product.


Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Written by: DataEase

24/03/24 19:32:32

Is it safe to move DataEase 8.5 databases to DataEase 9?

I have upgraded eight of my databases to 8.5 and one is still in 7.2. half of them each process about 400k records each month and many calculations. All i am saying is the are important to me. Is it safe to move them to DataEase 9 for Windows? What advantages exit for doing so?


Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE


24/03/24 05:42:44

Re:Re:Re:DataEase system file corruption

,,, has to be ;)


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

24/03/24 05:37:11

Re:Re:DataEase system file corruption

physically damaged files can't be backed up ... in some cases it's impossible to restore previously backed up files ,,, fingers crossed won't help too, sorry. that is why huge db have to be reduced asap


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

23/03/24 23:16:20

Re:DataEase system file corruption

As an update, a DataEase Backup and Restore cleaned up the duplicate. All looks ok now, but it will require further testing. Fingers crossed....


Product: DataEase 6.x

Written by: Garry Flanigan

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