Familiemannen Steve Jobs

Få en flott titt på Steve Jobs fra noen med et helt annet perspektiv enn de fleste andre kommentatorene vi har sett til nå – hans nabo.

While Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal and CNET continue to drone on about the impact of the Steve Jobs era, I won’t be pondering the MacBook Air I write on or the iPhone I talk on. I will think of the day I saw him at his son’s high school graduation. There Steve stood, tears streaming down his cheeks, his smile wide and proud, as his son received his diploma and walked on into his own bright future leaving behind a good man and a good father who can be sure of the rightness of this, perhaps his most important legacy of all.

Les hele artikkelen: My Neighbor, Steve Jobs fra bloggen til halvnorske Lisen Stromberg.

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