
Kombilo is a go database program. Its main purpose is to search for games in which a given pattern or position occurs. You can also search for other criteria (like time period, players, events). This program does not come with any game records, but you can import games in SGF format, so for example you can use one of the game collections which are freely available for download. The GoGod database by John Fairbairn and T Mark Hall (+ 2013) is also an excellent choice.

Kombilo Package for Mac OS X

User pleiade67 in the LifeIn19x19 forum packaged Kombilo for Mac OS X to allow for a very easy installation: Just download and unpack the zip file below, and start the program.

The package uses Wine (and WineBottler) to package the Windows version of Kombilo and the required libraries into a package that can be used on Mac OS X.

When I tried it (on a MacBook Pro around 5 years old) the program ran noticeably slower than the native version, but I might have been doing something wrong. In any case, it's a great way to try what Kombilo can do before taking the slightly more involved path of installing the native Mac version.

Download: kombilo-084.app.zip (80MB)

Unpacking the zip file, you get a folder kombilo-084.app which serves as an executable program.

Added on Dec. 4, 2016, 10:49 a.m.

Corner dictionary

Using the SGF tree feature on a large database of more than 1.6 million games, I produced a large corner dictionary. The search region was an 11x11 square in the lower right corner of the board. Only moves which were played in at least 200 games were considered, in each position only the 30 most frequent continuations were considered (of course, usually there are much less), and at most 35 moves were considered.

Download: (around 1.6 MB) corner_dictionary.zip, corner_dictionary.sgf.gz.

After unpacking, you obtain a 14.3 MB SGF file.

Read more ...Added on Dec. 4, 2016, 9:55 a.m.

Kombilo 0.8.4

Another bug fix release which corrects some issues in the pattern search in rare cases (handling of continuations in patterns with special symmetries, and searching for move sequences in patterns with certain kinds of symmetry), and made the sgf tree building more user friendly. You can reuse the databases from any 0.8.* version.

Windows installer

Read more ...Added on Nov. 26, 2016, 3:26 p.m.

Kombilo 0.8.3

Yet another release, mostly in order to fix some issues on Mac OS X. Also contains a number of other small improvements, so everybody is encouraged to update. If you installed a previous 0.8.* version using pip, upgrading is as eays as:

pip install -U kombilo

With the Windows installer, it is recommended to deinstall the old version and then use the installer for the new version.

Windows installer

Installation on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.

Read more ...Added on Nov. 13, 2016, 6:42 p.m.

Kombilo 0.8.2

Some improvements over 0.8.1 (most notably better memory management and more flexible handling of large SGF collections).


On Linux upgrade (or install) via pip, e.g. on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install python-pip python-tk libboost-all-dev libsqlite3-dev
pip install --upgrade kombilo


On Windows, you have the following two options:

  • The clean way is to install Python 2.7 from <a href="http://www.python.org/">python.org</a> yourself, and then install the Kombilo package by typing, on a command prompt:

    c:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install --upgrade kombilo

    This upgrades/installs an executable kombilo.exe in c:\Python27\Scripts\ and allows you to update later by downloading only Kombilo itself, rather than Kombilo+Python.</p>

  • Alternatively, use the installer. It will install install Kombilo as a stand-alone package (but with Python integrated inside, so you do not save much space compared with the previous option), and install a desktop icon and/or a start menu entry, at your choice: Link removed -- use version 0.8.3 instead Windows installer

To upgrade from 0.8.1, it is probably safest to deinstall the old version, although you can probably just as well install the new one directly.


online, pdf.

Added on Nov. 6, 2016, 8:09 p.m.

Kombilo 0.8.1

Fixes a few bugs in 0.8 and adds a Windows installer. (List of features new in version 0.8, General overview).


On Linux install via pip, e.g. on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install python-pip python-tk libboost-all-dev libsqlite3-dev
pip install kombilo

To update, use pip install -U kombilo instead.

On Mac OS X, I would expect that this works as well, in principle, but might need some more fiddling. Update: Version 0.8.3 should run OK on Macs.


On Windows, you have the following two options:

  • The clean way is to install Python 2.7 from python.org yourself, and then install the Kombilo package by typing, on a command prompt:

    c:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install kombilo

    This installs an executable kombilo.exe in c:\Python27\Scripts\ and allows you to update later by downloading only Kombilo itself, rather than Kombilo+Python.

  • Alternatively, use the installer. It will install install Kombilo as a stand-alone package (but with Python integrated inside, so you do not save much space compared with the previous option), and install a desktop icon and/or a start menu entry, at your choice.

    Link removed - use Kombilo 0.8.2 instead Windows installer. (Update on Nov 2: The installer has been "signed" to ensure its authenticity.) Tested on Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. Since development is done on Linux, feedback is particularly welcome.


online, pdf.

Added on Nov. 1, 2016, 12:21 p.m.

Kombilo 0.8

After a long time, I can finally publish Kombilo 0.8 with a couple of improvements compared with the 0.7.* versions:

  • Install Kombilo via pip, the Python package manager. (Very easy on Linux (click the read more link); probably easy on Mac OS X; on Windows this will require a slightly larger effort)
  • Create SGF trees from an arbitrary starting position from your database. For instance, in this way you could make Fuseki or Joseki dictionaries.
  • Custom menus (as in Kombilo 0.5) to add short-cuts for pattern or game info searches which you use often.
  • Translation to German, and the framework to add other languages.
  • More fine-grained date profile information.
  • And many other small improvements...

I am working on a Windows installer and hope to add it within a couple of days ... (Update: Now available in version 0.8.1)


online, pdf

Read more ...Added on Oct. 29, 2016, 8:59 p.m.

Kombilo 0.7.6

A small bug fix release to cure a few issues in version 0.7.5.

Download: Linux

Added on Oct. 29, 2016, 12:57 p.m.

Kombilo 0.7.5

The new version has a few small bug fixes (thanks to everybody, in particular Bram Vandenbom, Gilles Arcas, Claude Brisson for pointing out bugs). Notably, the search for the empty board was broken in Kombilo 0.7.4 and now works again.

The source code is now hosted on Github, since I now have most of my projects there: Kombilo repository.

For this version, there is (so far) no Windows installer. Since I do not work with Windows and do not currently have access to a Windows machine, building a Windows installer is too much trouble for me at the moment. If somebody wants to have a go at this, I will be glad to give some hints (also see the file "fabfile.py" in the code repository). You will need a C++ compiler to build the C++ extension, a tool (such as py2exe) to package things together with Python into a stand-alone exe file, and a packaging tool such as InnoSetup to create an installer.

Read more ...Added on Oct. 2, 2016, 2:15 p.m.

Kombilo 0.7.4

Update: This version is really outdated. Using version 0.8.* is highly recommended.

A new version which fixes a bug in the search algorithm: in some cases, partial board patterns where the stone completing the pattern causes a capture outside the search region were not found. Thanks to John Fairbairn for pointing this out!

Read more ...Added on Aug. 6, 2012, 7:26 p.m.

New Kombilo release: Kombilo 0.7

After a long hiatus in Kombilo development, the new version Kombilo 0.7 is finished.

In comparison to previous versions, it is overall much faster. The pattern search is 'parallelized' and makes use of all processor cores that are available. You can search in variations and search for move sequences.

Added on March 24, 2012, 8:59 p.m.

Libkombilo in Drago 3.0

About two weeks ago, Gilles Arcas published the new version of Drago, an SGF editor with lots of features (exercise go problems, print diagrams ...). The new version includes the libkombilo library and can do pattern searches and searches for game information (players, etc.). Gilles succeeded in creating a very intuitive user interface for the pattern search. Drago is freeware for Windows.
Added on June 16, 2007, 12:58 p.m.
(12 entries)



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