What is this place?

Hi, I'm Stamatis Kritikos and this is my official site. I'm an enthusiastic web designer from Hell(as). This place used to be my portfolio showcase, but there wasn't any point to continue as such, because SymiSun* (my company) serves this purpose.

As of September 2009, this is my personal blog. I'll write about the web mostly, stylish web design in particular. I like to share my thoughts and knowledge with fellow web designers or just plain web users. I'll try to be simple and give away every detail.

Relax and enjoy your stay here, you are welcome.
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Site Development Finally Resumed

Filed under Announcements

I know this took too long, but September is the month this site will come to life at last. I'm currently working on the content and making some final mods. Expect full launch in the final week of September 2009.



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