Manage your photo library with Piwigo

Piwigo is open source photo management software. Manage, organize and share your photo easily on the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.

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version 14.4.0 2 weeks ago

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 weeks ago

Latest activity 1 week 1 day 16 hours ago

Thousands of organizations and millions of individuals love using Piwigo

Why choose Piwigo?

High Volume

Piwigo shines when it comes to classifying thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos.


Born in 2002, Piwigo has been supporting its users for more than 22 years. Always evolving!

Open Source

Source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable thanks to plugins and themes.

Beautiful photo galleries created with Piwigo

Société des 3 vallées
Province de Luxembourg
Robert Miller
Photothèque Touristique du Lot

They love Piwigo


I've been managing an album with sub-albums containing almost 5,000 photos for an association: it's top-notch! I used to use Google Picasa... Piwigo's operation and administration are much nicer, more interesting, customizable and clear! I have no regrets about choosing the Piwigo solution! Thanks for all your hard work!

Jean-Daniel Gonon

Non Profits France

I discovered Piwigo quite a few years ago for personal local use. I then installed it at a hosting company where I made the photos I took at local events available to my commune. The French Swimming Federation has a huge collection of photos and videos. In discussion with our photographer, who couldn't find a satisfactory solution and thought it was a shame that this memory wasn't being used for our publications, I suggested that he give Piwigo a try. After a few adjustments and plug-in installations, it turned out to be a stable, customizable and crash-proof solution. Our employees now have a photo library worthy of the name. I'd like to thank the Piwigo team for the quality of their work.

Jacques Amaury, Fédération Française de Natation

Non Profits France

I am writing to compliment you on your photograph organization software. I am a pathologist, and I use this to organize photomicrographs for teaching and distribution to colleagues. It is easy to use, easy to understand, requires minimal maintenance, and my colleague have no trouble getting what they need. I appreciate having access to such a great product.

William R Oliver, MD

Education & Research United States

With Piwigo's help we have put over 3,800 photos on our website to display the village and its people, both past and present and so it has become a history of our past, a record of our achievements. Piwigo enables us to link items together, in a time frame, and provide details through photo enlargements and text and be a depository for photos that can be used by all. Our school's children learn the history of the village and by the use of the quizzes learn about how to research subjects.

Robert Macfarlane, Swanland Heritage Centre

Non Profits United Kingdom

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